Thursday, December 21, 2006


Laws and Instructions
Gods and Earths Rules
1. A Righteous person must show the greatest intelligence at all times.
2. Never be the aggressor by words or actions, in the event you are attacked, stick together in battle as a solid wall.
3. Obey the laws of the land or government you must live under, for if you cannot keep these laws, how can you obey the laws of ALLAH(GOD). But if these laws conflict with the laws of ALLAH, then fear ALLAH, and ALLAH alone must you fear.
4. What is the duty of the Captain and Lieutenants? The Captain's Duty is to give the orders to the Lieutenants and the Lieutenant's Duty is to teach the private soldiers and train them.
5. A righteous person word is bond and bond is life, I will give my life before my word shall fail.
6. Gods and Earths must always keep purity of mind, and cleanliness of body.
7. Civilize people do not give to the use of oaths.
8. A civilize person acknowledges and recognizes that he is a member of Allah's Nation, and act accordingly to this in the name of ALLAH ... as civilize people we must set an example for the LostFound. This requires actions and deeds, not words and lip service.
9. We must recognize the necessity for unity and group operation.
10. Stop needless criticisms of your brother. We must remember that jealousy destroys from within.
11. The Law of Islam says that if one brother has a bowl of soup, the other brother has half of that bowl; his success is your success.
12. Be patient in matters where others are involved, remember that there were times when we that know, knew not.
13. Do not take the bad side of a thing that appears to us as bad; there is always a good side, it is better to take that side.
14. Actions are judged by the intentions, actions may appear wrong but motives bring rewards.
15. Seek not to rind fault in your brother. This does not mean to make unnecessary excuses for wrongdoing.
16. Only by true repentance and reform can we escape the consequence of our errors.
17. If you should see a brother in error, then correct him in the strictest privacy.
18. There should be at least two witnesses in order to bring a charge against a brother.
19. Do not fast as a civilize person and act like Christians.
20. Civilize people should not participate in activities leading from ALLAH.
21.A true righteous person should act justly not only to other civilize people, but also uncivilized people and even those who are enemies of Islam.
(1) The Secretary should have all Actual Facts on the black board before the MINISTER arrives. And let it remain until meeting is dismissed.
(2) The-Civilized must be 100% clean and loving to one another, their homes must be clean at all times, their clothes clean, do not let dirty uncivilize people in your the Temple.
(3) The investigator must investigate or visit their homes once per week unexpectedly.
(4) We must see to it, that the Temple is kept clean of filth at all times; dirty floors and walls, also seats must not exist in the Temple.
(5) If a said person of that ability says that he is with us and associates with our enemies is a lie and must stay away.
(6) Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Lose no more time have no quarreling among the believers. The Law settles all arguments. Get after the new ones, put them to work and all that come must be willing to help by giving all he or she can to the cause of Islam.
(7) Cast out the rotten apples, quick. Keep your ears and eyes open to those smart crooked deceivers, who will always try to put one over. Have all searched 100% before entering the Temple of Islam. Make the righteous comb their hair, keep their clothes cleaned and pressed, their shoes shined, faces shaved, hair trimmed. If they do not clean up they are out of luck with us.
(8) Make all. men and boys join the F.O.I. Class and train them fast, make them brave fighters and willing at any times to give their life for ALLAH's sake and righteous. Righteous people all must stick fast together in battle, like a solid wall.
(9) The Minister must be cared for, also Captain and Secretary, but these must work hard and get the Lost Founds. Fear not about your bread.
Love To All, Messenger Elijah Muhammad
On violation of the following Laws, you are subject to dismissal for 30 days to an indefinite period of time from the Temple.
1. Sleeping in the Temple.
2. Keeping late hours.
3. Using narcotics (dope, heroin, marijuana).
4. Married and taking up time with other sisters.
5. Abusing your wife.
6. Socializing with Christians.
7. Drinikng alcoholic drinks.
8. Unclean homes.
9. Personal hygiene.
10. Watching the movement of sisters.
11. Lying or stealing from one another.
12. Gambling (shooting pool, dice, cards, etc.)
13. Eating pork
14. Gossiping on one another.