Thursday, December 21, 2006

MANNERISMS (how to act at home & abroad)

After finishing her studies as a student of the M.G.T. & G.C.C, the Civilized sister is never again seen wearing vulgar, immodest, indecent attire. All of her body positions and movements reflect her finest qualities, highest morals, and in a way that demands the respect of everyone, Black and white, Civilized or Un-Civilized. Her words are carefully chosen and spoken in tones that reflect the finest qualities of the Civilized woman, for she is taught that Allah hates boisterous, loud or rough voices...according to the Holy Qur'an..."these bad characteristics greatly detract from the delicate, soft, feminine beauty which is the very nature of the Black woman."
Etiquette is a set of rules for proper conduct, observed by polite society the world over. The essence of the rules of etiquette is kindness and consideration for the other person. Convention change along with the times but the basic rules of good manners never change.
Good behavior is everybody's business and good taste can be everyone's goal. A code of behavior is an inevitable part of life in any community. A system or set of rules is vital for anything in which human beings are involved. Common sense demands a system. The value of etiquette can be analyzed as follows:
It has practical value because it has made time and thought savings on technicalities, such as wording and forms of invitation
It has an attractive side like putting flowers on the table for the sake of beauty and gracefulness
It has a great civic value, this is the prime contribution of etiquette. Civil values lie in the fact that etiquette imposes consideration for others.
It demands willingness to discipline oneself for the sake of others.
Etiquette has sometimes been questioned because it can as a substitute for kindness or gratitude. But the one who pretends to a virtue has lacks is not as dangerous to society as the one who convinces others that virtue is unnecessary.
The greatest value of etiquette is its value to the individual. Good behavior may be useful to society, but it is part of man. "Manners make the man." It is part of your character and you can't escape it or leave it behind.
Good manners in public are perhaps more than anything else the mark of a civilized people. Without them, what should be perfectly normal action, like sitting on a bus or waiting in line of a ticket can be turned into a maddening experience.
A Civilized sister is never loud and she speaks in a soft voice, especially in public. We are taught by the Messenger of Allah that the mother molds a civilization.
Let us attract our lost sisters with our dress and our manner.
When we lower our dignity with loose expression and vulgarity of words it lowers us.
Display our best nature, conduct, accomplishment , smiles and appearances at home as well as abroad.
We do not shake hands with our gloves on, nor do we pray with gloves on.
A Civilized sister would never eat walking down the street, nor would she go into a store to buy a piece of candy. She would send a brother for her.
An attitude of deference and respect whenever one enters the Temple, should be taught to children at the earliest possible age. The proper behavior ought to be observed by the young from the attitude and behavior of their seniors.
When you get up in the morning, dress yourself properly, you never know who may come to visit. Take care of yourself first.
When in the presence of the Messenger, never speak louder than our Holy Apostle. When entering his home, remove your headpiece. When entering any righteous person home remove your headpiece.
"I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works. For who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. Strength and honor are her clothing: and she shall rejoice in time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdoms and in her tongue is the law of kindness. Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou excellests them all. For favor is deceitful and beauty is vain. But a sister that feareth Allah, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands: and let her own works praise her in the gates. "