Monday, December 25, 2006



SO the spread of Islam was stopped to allow the devils to complete their ruling after the devil had over-populated Europe. Allah allowed them to spread out. He gave a guide to lead them (Columbus) was a half original man. He guided them over, for Allah had told Moses one of his kind would guide them all the way. They realized the country would have to be built up and they also knew they couldn't build up the country for they were not strong enough. The Queen, Elizabeth, called in leaders and world travelers and wanted to know if there existed a people on the face of the planet earth who could stand the hard work and yet be submissive enough to submit to the task. John Hawkins told them "yes, there are, along the Nile, the strongest people and the most wisest that ever lived yet, they had never been lied to." The Queen appointed John Hawkins the job of getting them into the United States. This was called the "hundred year plan".

JOHN Hawkins one day sailed along the the Nile. He came among the tribe of SHABAZZ. He was flying a red flag which represented Freedom and his ship was named "Jesus" which means justice. He came among the tribe of SHABAZZ offering them peace. Our people never being lied to or mislead, accepted his greetings and him as a brother. He lived among us for 29 1/2 years, learning our customs, our way of life, our culture, our philosophy, our tongue, everything he could about us. After learning all he could he started a rumor about Alan to the west of milk and honey, a paradise, a place of plenty. Our people wee living along the Nile, the children were allowed to play with diamonds of such size as to be astonishing. They were advanced and played with algebra as a game and past time play. We gave out high mathematics and advanced astronomy. We were advanced in arts and mastered all the sciences of life. We were the most beautiful people physically one had ever laid eyes on, because we had mastered the sciences of proper eating and caring for the body. We could outwork any people on the planet and could endure hardship longer than anyone else. Yet we were the most devoted and the most submissive people. We were Allah's choice, his most beloved people. We were his perfect example for our brothers and sisters. A house of presents and holy ones. We were (Job), Allah's most faithful servants, we were royal and holy and Allah, to Whom we submitted completely was our God. We knew every inch of the planet, but when the rumor started we fell for it, prophecy had to be fulfilled, we went aboard John Hawkin's ship and this was to discuss the place and get a better picture of it and better understanding. While everyone was preparing, the hatch was closed and the ship was allowed to drift into the sea. When day light came, they were on their way. The men became aware and some were successful in going overboard but most were outnumbered and subdued.

Question: When John Hawkins first appeared, didn't the tribe of SHABAZZ know who he was?

Answer: Yes, many knew, the same as when the devils went back to Mecca.

Question: Why weren't the Indians or Mexicans used for the job?

Answer: They couldn't stand the labor and they couldn't submit to such treatment.

AFTER the brothers were subdued they headed westward along the outpost that had been set-up to refill on water and fuel. When the ship pulled into these Islands, some of the slaves would escape and these populated the areas and became such places as West Indies, etc. When the ship landed in Jamestown, Virginia there were twenty-one (21) aboard. After unloading, the ship pulled out and started back for another load. The twenty-one (21) seeing the ship and realizing the great trickery that had been played on them, sang out: "give us Jesus and you can have this whole wide world". Quarters were set up for the slaves and they were treated well so they could reproduce. When the time was ripe the devil began to separate the children from their parents.
HE put the children in a compound where they were raised by devil nurses. The parents were taken and worked to death or killed on the spot to imbed fear in the babies. The devils would take a pregnant mother and carry her before a stake, before the father and he would have to witness his pregnant wife being split open and the baby and her burned. This is to put fear in the very nature of the seed the father carries. The older heads were killed out, so that they would not teach the children the teachings of their fore parents, the mother's tongue, which is taught to us by our parents. As the saying goes, "the hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world". Why? Because the mothers teach the children. The mothers are the ones to tell or teach the children about our great history and culture.

IN the compound, the children were raised by devils and when they cried out into the night for their mothers the sugar tits were put into their mouths. The hog fat was rubbed into the mole of their head, to freeze the brain. This filthy lard seeping through the thin tissue to clog up the function of the brains. The trichinosis worms once entering the different cavities, reproduces so fast, it soon fills up the cavity and has to penetrate the tissue and find another cavity. They protect themselves by enclosing themselves in a hard shield like enclosing. The desire would come to them, the urge to be comforted by their parents, but their parents were not to be found. They felt the burning urge to return home, but they didn't know where home was. They felt the urge to speak their original tongue but what that was they didn't know. These feelings grew with them but there was noone to explain these feelings to them. He knew something was drastically wrong and felt something was missing, but what he didn't know, he couldn't put his fingers on it. They (the devils) spit in the food or relieved themselves in it. They herded them like animals. they destroyed all family life among them and for 64 years this went on 1555 to 1619. Then the process was completed. Meanwhile, they (the devil) went to southern Africa and used tricknology on our brothers, turning them against each other, made them destroy their way of life, steal, kill and rob. The devils gave them strong drinks. They brought these over in 1614. Conquered and twisted mentally, we were lost and ragged. These they brought over in 1916. The name "Negro" was given to them after the process because they (the devil) said, "what shall we call these things?" They were the "walking dead". Their name was given accordingly, it fits. They stayed in slavery for three hundred and ten (310) years, building up the country. They took their bare hands and joined the two (2) oceans. Every cross tie on the railroad is the burnt out body of a so-called Negro.

Question: Why didn't the so-called Negro revolt, like hate?

Answer: The Negro, so-called, were like a cub lion captured when still a baby and taught to do tricks. The so-called Negroes are likewise taught, for they, like the lion babies do tricks and carry out biddings for the devil. They, like the lion, do not realize their great strength and that they are the stronger of the two. When they come into knowledge of self they will start things rolling, for they have awakened to find even their brother slack on the job.

Question: What do you mean slack on the job?

Answer: Meaning they are teaching Allah's truth in an apologetic manner, which is wrong. Allah does not need anyone to feel ashamed to spread his teachings. If you are not man enough to teach it then don't stand in the way, but step aside and make room for a man who is not afraid. When all the hard labor had been done and the country was in a position to go for self, then the problem came up of what to do with the slaves. They wanted to send them back to Africa. Abraham Lincoln is one who went so far as to send a ship load as a trial, but they died off so fast, he had to return them to the United states. During the Civil war the leaders got their heads together and agreed the slaves were to be free, but only out of physical slavery into mental slavery, which is worst. The weapon prepared to do the job was a special weapon, fixed for this purpose alone, which is called the "Holy Bible". The Bible is a book prepared under the guidance of "King James". The book was fixed in 1611. The devils had it for 250 years before giving it to the so-called Negroes, who had it for only 90 years. The slaves were set free, off from the white district and the smart so-called negroes were given the Bible and taught how to read and ordain to enslave the minds of His people and keep them there. When they were so-called free, there was no where for them to go, nor did they have anything to call their own, family life did not exist. So they started from nothing and worked up. In 1914 the devils time was up, 6,000 years. And the sign that was to let them know their time was up would be as Jesus said: "Dark clouds would cover the land", means troubles, famine and earthquakes. In 1914, the whole European world became involved in "war". There were wars and rumors of wars, plagues and famines; Earthquakes death and destruction.

IN 1910, Allah, being a world traveler, came to these shores. He went to Africa and learned the language of the birds, he extracted the language of the people of mars. He came to South America, Japan, India, Alaska and other places a world traveler would. He could quote 150,000 years of history from memory, write 10 languages and speak 16. As it was mentioned in "We seek a City", he had searched the entire universe looking for this heaven that the devil speaks of in Christianity. He came in 1930, July 4, as mentioned in Ezekiel 1st Chapter, 1st verse. He came without observation, for He had said He would come for His people and He stepped down off His throne and come into the bottomless pit (HELL) for His people.

Question: Why didn't He send His servants to get us?

Answer: Because he told Abraham: "Your seed shall be taken into a land of strangers, a land that is not theirs and shall serve them 400 years and he that your seed shall serve, "I" shall judge. As it has been stated Abraham God asked Allah to allow him to live and go and bring them home. But Allah refused his request, because they were to be punished by none other than Him. He is the Lord of All the Worlds. Allah has said even though they seem as endurable as the mountains, "I shall bring them down to hell..."