Monday, December 25, 2006


The problem of overweight is studied in the Moslem Girls’ Training and General Civilization Class, which is, as I told you last week, a class set up by Prophet Fard Mohammed. We learned that most of the bodily ailments are directly or indirectly traceable to overweight. It is no exaggeration to say that the fat die young. You seldom see a fat person over 60 years old. We should seriously consider the subject of overweight, if we wish to live happy and useful lives. An excess of fat causes the individual to become INACTIVE. And that inactivity causes in turn a multitude of evils. As you have noticed, the fat woman is usually inclined to be lazy. She likes to sit and take things easy. She does not like activity and because she is not active, she gets fatter. And the fatter she gets the less inclined she is to be active. She soon finds herself in a vicious circle she gets fatter and fatter and at the same time becomes lazier and lazier.
Dangers of Inactivity
A direct result of this inactivity is CONSTIPATION, because a certain amount of exercise is necessary for the normal functioning of the organs of elimination. Constipation causes
" auto-intoxication " or self poisoning. This results from the accumulation of decayed matter in the large intestine. This poison is absorbed by the blood stream and carried to all parts of the body, producing headaches, bad breath, sluggishness and skin deformities, such a blotches, pimples and even the appearance of premature old age. Now this same inactivity is a predisposing cause of diabetes, a disease characterized by inability of the body to utilize sugar. It is a known fact that nine out of every ten people who develop diabetes are overweight. During exercise the muscles burn up large amounts of sugar. The fat sister does not exercise her muscles enough and hence an excess amount of sugar is accumulated in her body. Moreover she dearly likes her sweets and almost always overeats. Thus, she takes in more sugar than her body needs or muscles to use. And she then lays the foundation for the dreaded disease. sDiabetes is incurable and kills as certainly and as surely as cancer or Dright’s disease. Sister, quit digging your grave with your knife and fork!
Overweight Develops Heart Trouble
But the overweight are quite likely to develop heart trouble. My dear fat sister, do you have a shortness of breath and a palpitation of the heart? If you do, you may have what in known as fatty heart. It means that the normal action of the muscles of your heart is being embarrassed by the presence of fatty tissue. You should not impose upon your heart because it has a pretty big job to perform any way: Remember, it must beat continuously from the moment of birth to the end. Then why do you burden it with unnecessary fat?
Do you have terrible headaches and dizzy spells? If you do you may suspect HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, a condition caused by over eating of food rich in proteins, such as fresh meats and eggs.When you develop high blood pressure you may be sure that you have just about eaten yourself to death. You must pay the supreme penalty for living other than yourself. There are many other diseases; for instance cancer and Dright’s disease, which seem to follow the overweight and eventually overtake them.Of course, you know that the fat person does not have such a good change of recovering from pneumonia. Also in passing, it may be well to drop the hint that the overweight sister loses the right and privilege of motherhood at a much younger age than her more slender friend. In closing it should be said that the overweight person is not only physically inactive but also mentally slow. The Moslem knows that the fat person is the good natured individual who does not care to be disturbed. She does not care to exercise her mental faculties. She would rather sleep. Her whole system is poisoned and her brain cells cannot function properly. Islam does not tolerate anything that destroys the health or impairs the intellect . Therefore Moslems watch the scales.